Captain America

JAN 035: Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe (08/31/2015)

The Jock and Nerd are joined by no one for this episode. It’s just them geeking out over the upcoming Superhero TV season, followed by a ranking of all the movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thus far! All this, plus their patented tangential drifting, random weirdness and humorous nonsense! Enjoy! Oh, and make sure…

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JAN 033: Catching Up With Scott Weinstein, Co-Producer of Saturday Night Live Weekend Update (08/24/2015)

It’s a blast from the past for the Nerd, as his old art school buddy, writer and co-producer for Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update, Scott Weinstein, makes an appearance on The Jock and Nerd Podcast! Rugboy joins in on the fun as the gang reminisces about their college days, the Nerd tells a revealing story…

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JAN 029: The Story of Unshaven Comics (08/03/2015)

Marc Alan Fishman of Unshaven Comics stops by the Jock and Nerd podcast studio to announce the launch of The Samurnauts Graphic Novel Kickstarter campaign. He surprises Anthony and Imran with a special backer reward exclusively for listeners of the show! March shares his journey, as he and his lifelong friends Matt Wright and Kyle…

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JAN 027: We Found A Place To Hang Our Capes! (07/26/2015)

Anthony and Imran welcome David Molofsky to The Jock and Nerd Podcast family, as he welcomes them to his comic book culture site, A Place To Hang Your Cape! David, an American living in London, hangs out with the guys as they discuss superheroes, comics, the London Film & Comic Con, cosplay, Dan Slott, Marvel’s…

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JAN 026: Marvel’s Ant-Man Review (07/20/2015)

It’s a giant-sized episode of The Jock and Nerd Podcast as Anthony and Imran review Marvel’s Ant-Man and go over his bizarre history in the comics! They also discuss Apocalypse’s look in the new X-Men movie, Clammr, A Place To Hang Your Cape, gypsy-jazz spider-man and more!

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JAN 020: The Essential Spider-Man Reading List (06/28/2015)

Anthony and Imran are joined by Peter Kendall from to discuss the newly casted Marvel Cinematic Universe Spider-Man, as well as give their essential Spider-Man reading lists. We catch up with The Jock and his EDC 2015 adventure in Las Vegas. Are comic book movies getting too comic-booky? Peter wants his Iron Spider! How…

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JAN 019: Marvel vs. DC (06/21/2015)

Marvel vs. DC! Who did it first? Who did it better? Special guest co-host Rugboy joins the show in his third appearance as Marvel and DC comic book characters, animation, tv shows and movies go head-to-head to determine the ultimate universe! It’s a Giant-Sized Man-Thing episode of The Jock and Nerd Podcast!

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JAN 001: Episode the First (3/22/2015)

On the first episode of the Jock and Nerd Podcast, Anthony and Imran chat about the new comic book related news of the week, Flash, Agents of Shield, Arrow, iZombie, Age of Ultron, Gotham and more!

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