
JAN 073: Drawing from Chicago History with Artist Scott Larson (01/23/2016)

Anthony and Imran meet local comic book artist Scott Larson, and discuss his new book Visitations, a gothic, action-adventure, horror comic series set in Chicago at the Steampunk Turn Of The Century. Scott offers the first issue free to our listeners and shares some history of Chicago’s cemeteries. We find out how Scott managed to…

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JAN 072: The Rise of eSports with Peter Kendall (01/17/2016)

Anthony and Imran welcome Peter Kendall from How Do I Jump? to talk the history and rise of eSports. He takes us through the history of eSports, from Donkey Kong to Dota, and the state of the industry today. Peter and Anthony debate whether eSports athletes are, in fact, athletes, if the scene will go…

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JAN 071: Comic Book Movie & TV News Roundup (01/10/2016)

The Jock and Nerd Weekly is back live on Blab for 2016! Anthony and Imran are joined by Rugboy and artist John Bellotti Jr. to discuss the latest in geek news! Topics include the leaked Toho Godzilla images, Benedict Cumberpatch in full Dr. Strange mode, Marvel’s choice of director for Black Panther, Daredevil season 2…

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JAN 070: Bruce Wayne’s World Podcast Crossover (01/07/2016)

The Jock finally gets to geek out about Batman when the hosts of the Bruce Wayne’s World Podcast stop by the Jock and Nerd studio! Anthony and Imran welcome Joe Wapo and Jimi Terzis for a discussion about all things Batman from the page to the screen. The gang evaluate the Frank Miller, Grant Morrison…

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JAN 069: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review (01/03/2016)

Anthony, Imran and Rugboy ring in the New Year with their thoughts on Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The hosts discuss what they liked, didn’t like, theories, questions and more in this full spoiler review podcast. Plus, Star Wars comic book recommendations, The Nerd built a droid, learn the Machete Order of viewing the Star…

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JAN 068: CyberPunk Fantasy Artist Simeon Aston (12/30/2015)

The Jock and Nerd invite U.K. based fantasy artist Simeon Aston, to learn about his cyberpunk graphic novel, “Metal Made Flesh.”  Simeon talks about artists that influence him, the independent comic book scene in the U.K., how they funded their Kickstarter in 48 hours, the problem with the superhero movie genre, American football in London,…

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JAN 067: Movie Trailer Marketing with David Molofsky (12/23/2015)

David Molofsky, from A Place To Hang Your Cape, returns to the Jock and Nerd Podcast to talk about working at a trailer house and the marketing side of creating a memorable movie trailer. Plus, David introduces us to a fun interactive movie trailer rating system game he came up with called “FYF”. You can…

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JAN 065: Comic Book TV Midseason Finale Week 12 Review (12/13/2015)

Big midseason finale week as Anthony, Imran and Rugboy discuss Supergirl, Agent’s of S.H.I.E.L.D., The Flash and Arrow live on blab! Plus, Rugboy gives us his thoughts on the latest Toho Godzilla design, the Jock fills us in on an upcoming UFC match, and the hosts discuss the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 and…

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JAN 064: Academy Award-Winning Filmmaker Shawn Christensen (12/08/2015)

Screenwriter, film director, musician, actor, Oscar-winner, and art school friend of the Nerd, Shawn Christensen comes on The Jock and Nerd Podcast!  Anthony, Imran and Rugboy talk to Shawn about Stellastarr and the music industry, making the Academy-Award winning short film Curfew, and it’s full-length counterpart, Before I Disappear, screenwriting while touring, baseball, poker and…

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